Thursday, June 10, 2010

On the boat

We went to Taku waters on June 9, 2010. There was 116 people total including elders, students, teachers, and counselors. We heard many stories and backgrounds from our elders. During the boat trip we saw a huge rock/boulder. I think it was called "scar rock" by the fisherman. We got tons of pictures and it was pretty cool. Someone told me the rock reminded them of Paradise falls in the movie "UP".

We also saw some orca whales. I'm not 100% sure but I think there was 4 whales. It is the second time we have seen orca whales during this camp. We saw some orcas breaching the other day. This was my favorite part of the trip. Some teachers went on the microphone and sang a tlingit song.

There was much more that we did on this trip but that sums up the main points.

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